
About a week ago, the default font for this blog’s WordPress theme inexplicably changed. You may or may not have noticed, but I certainly did. And it’s driving me crazy.

In any case, I just sprung for the $30/year “Custom CSS” which allows me to, among other things, screw around with theme options and potentially code the website from scratch if I wanted. I’m not going to do that, but I will be attempting to figure out what I can do to make the site more easily readable… by some trial and a lot of error. If you have suggestions on how best to ease the transition of my words into your head, feel free to leave them below. Otherwise, buckle up.

Because words.

Posted on May 21, 2013, in Miscellany and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I can certainly sympathize with something just not looking “right.” That’s half the reason I have such a hard time sticking with blogging. I can spend an entire day just trying to make sure a post looks exactly “right.” I do love hearing from others how they approach the topic though, so I’m curious to see what insights this will bring.


    • Although I’m sure many (most?) people see my posts via Reader or similar programs, I am keenly aware of how each post looks on the main page. For example: does a full paragraph have a few words dangling on a new line? Got to either remove words or add more to fill it out. Those one-line paragraphs I use for emphasis have to be one line. It’s like the old adage “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” In this context, how I say things depends (in part) on how it looks on the page.

      The font change threw me for quite a loop, as you can imagine.


  2. $30 a year for Custom CSS?
    Take a look at Safe Shark Hosting. They give you nearly unlimited controll for a lot less than you would expect.


    • After looking it up, ironically WordPress is cheaper. SSH is $80/year for all the things that WordPress is charging me (now) $60/year.
