On Sidequests

Syp over at Biobreak recently suggested a bold move: killing the MMO sidequest.

While I can certainly defend main story quests — such as zone/planet-wide chains or a personal story arc that goes through most of the game — side missions lack positive qualities that make them desirable. Let’s call them for what they really are: busy work. Side quests are small tasks that offer no real story, no significant reward, and only serve to pad out your quest log and allow dev teams to be able to boast ridiculously high quest tallies for patches and expansions (“200 new quests! Of which only 15 are memorable in any way!”).


Let’s think about it. If your favorite MMO one day yanked all of its side quests, leaving only factional, zone, dungeon, and overarching story arcs intact, would it really suffer for it? Would you bemoan their loss? Players are forever asking to be able to just play through the main storylines without all of these diversions down rabbit trails, so why not give it to them? Just increase XP for the main quests and work on providing other forms of much more meaningful content that can serve as a focus for players’ time.

Following the post, there were a dozen or so commenters who were in favor of the proposal. Which got me thinking… are they on to something?

Not really.

Sidequests are vitally important to any MMO, or single-player RPG for that matter. Or, at least, they should be. See, one of the primary purposes of sidequests is pacing. Which is absolutely different from filler. Filler is the pointless busywork that a designer adds to pad the game’s playtime. I am all for the death of filler, which is bad pretty much by definition.

Pacing, meanwhile, is all about enhancing the main story. How do you enhance a story? By fleshing it out. Giving context to its development. Allowing breathing room in which to digest the latest narrative bombshell. Bringing the world in which the story exists to life.

For example, Lord of the Rings is a 1178-page story about [spoiler alert] destroying a magic ring. Frodo’s travails towards and around Mount Doom are the Main Story Quest (MSQ). Hell, I’ll even concede that all that business with Aragorn and Helm’s Deep and the throne of Gondor and all of those pitched battles are a part of that same MSQ, despite them being a literal distraction so that Frodo could complete the only quest that actually mattered.

Having said that, the reason why we care about Frodo destroying the ring in the first place is because of the rest of it. We care about the supporting characters, we care about the Shire, we care about the world in which these people inhabit. MSQs are good at driving action forward, but they are terrible at world-building. That is sort of by design: there is an expectation that details included in a MSQ will be relevant to the future of the MSQ, Chekhov Gun-style. You cannot have the MSQ examine the life of an average farmer toiling under the weight of an oppressive regime without expecting said farmer eventually being executed/liberated in a later chapter.

Sidequests are the mechanism by which imaginary worlds are built. Bad, filler sidequests do not tell you anything about the world other than its inability to kill ten rats. Good sidequests create minor characters and story hooks and introduce you to the world which you are trying to save… even if you are still killing ten rats to do so. The MSQ asks you to save the world, and sidequests tell you why.

Then there are the mechanical, game design aspects of sidequests. In an MMO, there is often considerably more physical world built than strictly necessary to drive the MSQ forward. Indeed, a MSQ that somehow forced you to explore every inch of every zone in sequence would feel forced and arbitrary (see: FF14). Sidequests, meanwhile, provide optional incentives to explore all four corners of the map, to face different enemy types in different areas, and so on. Well, “optional” unless the XP from sidequests are required in order to level up enough to fight in the next zone. However, again, that would be an example of bad sidequests.

About two months ago, I was less bullish on sidequests than this post. At the time, I was playing FF14, which is exceptionally bad in the boring, vapid sidequest department. In fact, FF14 is exceptionally bad in the MSQ department, with nearly everyone stating that the story really starts getting good… once you reach the original endgame. In the meantime, I suppose I’m just expected to endure these pointless, trivial tasks like flying around to the various capitals and deliver letters?

On the other hand, I have also been playing Mass Effect: Andromeda. While not as good as the original trilogy, Andromeda absolutely has engaged me in even the most repetitive of sidequests. Why? Because I like it there. I like the world Bioware has created, I like the characters and the amusing banter they get involved in. I could listen to Peebee and Drack talk about shit all day. In fact, I have, inbetween sidequests to scan minerals and other “busy work.” Work that required me to explore every corner of each planet and have an “excuse” to engage in one of the best iterations of a Mass Effect combat system yet.

If you do not care about the game world, or do not care for the combat system, then yes, there isn’t much distinguishing legit sidequests from filler. But in a well-crafted game, the sidequests shouldn’t be mandatory to begin with. In which case, there isn’t a reason to kill them; just ignore them and move on with the story.

Posted on July 6, 2017, in Commentary and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I’ve also started playing FFXIV recently (since trying out the PS4 beta a year or two back, whenever that was) and holy SHIT are the quests mind-numbingly boring. I even tried to read the quest texts at the start but completely gave up a few hours in. I thought to myself “are this game’s side quests especially boring or have I just forgotten how bad MMORPG questing can be?”

    I really want to find a game to sink my teeth into before Destiny 2 and I’m down to Helldivers and FFXIV, and FFXIV is not doing itself any favors with the tedious questing, tedious combat (2.5 second GCD, really? abilities with no obvious reason to exist when you get them? oy vey), and utterly uninspiring art direction and worldbuilding.

    And yet I still find myself logging in every night to play GCD whack-a-mole in the hope that, as I’ve been told, it gets much, much better if I just stick with it.


    • Yeah, thus far I have zero interest in the world FF14 is presenting. And it is not as though I didn’t even give it a chance – I absolutely did by reading through every sidequest I completed the first time around. Now, like you, I skip them. Except I can’t skip the MSQ nonsense that requires me to go to that one goddamn town with no easy teleport every other quest.

      Ah, but it’ll supposedly get better 50 hours from now, right?


  2. IMO, Witcher 3 is a shining example of side quests done right. I was shocked how well crafted some of the side quests were in that game.


    • Absolutely. In fact, I didn’t really even like Witcher 3’s main story in comparison to its sidequests. Most of that was mechanically/conceptually though – the dissonance between “race against time to find the girl” and “here’s a dozen people with complicated problems to solve” was too great.


  3. Excellent post. I agree with all of it except that, for me, you can never have enough “kill ten rat” tasks. Even I, though, would prefer they were presented as bounties off a noticeboard (LotRO and Vanguard both do/did this very effectively) than dressed up as “quests”.

    For my money it’s the Main Quest that most MMOs could do without, not the side quests.
